Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Art Gallery of Alberta
Art Gallery Of Hamilton
Canada Council Art Bank
Canadian Museum of Civilization
City of Calgary Civic Art Collection
City of Red Deer
Library and Archives Canada
Mawer Investment Management
Metropolitan Life
National Gallery of Canada
Nickle Arts Museum, The University of Calgary
Norcen Energy Limited
Provincial Archives of Alberta
Red Deer College
Richardson Oil and Gas
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Saskatchewan Archives Board
SAIT Polytechnic
University of Alberta
University of Lethbridge
Waterous and Company
Whyte Museum
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Australian National Gallery, Australia
Bibliotheque Nationale, France
DG Bank, Germany
Museum fur Gestaltung, Switzerland
Musee de la Photographie, Belgium
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Germany
Museum Ludwig, Germany